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 Post subject:Re: Meh bored, therefore..
PostPosted:Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:49 am 
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Joined:Mon Aug 13, 2007 1:47 pm
...after 3 rounds vs the java virtual machine I came out victorious with a KO, it now cooperates without any problems (and has correct scaling). (though in the last round I cheated by using a big wooden bat instead of boxing gloves)...
I find it funny howyou think of your code. For me, I think of it like a totalitarian state. I beat it into submission during the testing phase, and during the QA phases, I commit genocide.
Geez, what is wrong with you people? I think of my code as a puppy I have to care for and train in order for it to become a big strong dog that knows cool tricks.
But then again, I mostly use PHP, so it's kinda true.

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 Post subject:Re: Meh bored, therefore..
PostPosted:Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:59 pm 
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Joined:Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:51 am
I frankly didn't expect you to go this far. I was thinking that having it load a tiff so that people could generate just a text data file would be nice, but this works even better. Would you at least add the option of loading a previously generated TIFF?
Loading a tiff would be an entirely different machine really, This is more of a build a gateway, which is what I thought you we're asking, that would be much simpler to make.

Really none of this is actually all that 'hard' for me, its just finding the time to do it. I suppose I could whip up a component placing program fairly quicky. Perhaps even with smart detection, I have made a few image recognition systems in my bouts working in AI. Though I will probably get away with controlled fuzzy logic: "is this about the size of of a mem/ram, if so is it mostly dark colors, if so then its probably a ram slot otherwise its memory"

However due to how I worked some of the pieces in this I will probably have to make that a seperate system, while its possible to integrate, I would have to parse in a whole ton of
extra tif image controls I didn't plan for. Reading != Writing you could say, while simular I can't easily reverse it (notice the file size, how it went up by like 300kb, yeah thats all tif writing code, I wanted to package it into the program and not have to rely on a library).
Oh, and do you know the limitations on sizes for Onlink's gateway TIFFs? I don't have them to the pixel, but if you don't know them, I can find out.
I have no idea what the limits are actually, that would be very helpful.
In the text file loading, it loads the component locations in sequence based on how they are arranged in the text file. Therefor if you have modem section before the security section, it will take the modem as if it was the security position.

Correct, this will be parsed correctly
sec 5 4 366 2 366 244 sata 55 9 23 48 modem 16 228 power 26 194
Incorrect! This will treat the sata list as if it was the security list and visa versa (might overlap using the first security for security, didn't test)
sata 55 9 23 48 sec 5 4 366 2 366 244 modem 16 228 power 26 194

Oh this and that.

 Post subject:Re: Meh bored, therefore..
PostPosted:Mon Nov 10, 2008 1:08 pm 
Literally Nine
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Joined:Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:00 am
Onlink doesn't actually check for the head of the line. I just loads sequentially.

If you gave:
sec 5 4 366 2 366 244 pie 55 9 23 48 modem 16 228 power 26 194
It would still load the SATAII the same way.

 Post subject:Re: Meh bored, therefore..
PostPosted:Mon Nov 10, 2008 2:40 pm 
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Joined:Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:51 am
Onlink doesn't actually check for the head of the line. I just loads sequentially.

If you gave:
sec 5 4 366 2 366 244 pie 55 9 23 48 modem 16 228 power 26 194
It would still load the SATAII the same way.
I noticed, thats what bugged me, but the way it does it does make sense programmically (but its not as user friendly as I generally like to go).

In my experience its best to assume that a user 'is' an idiot and thus idiot proof the system to a degree (but not so much as to assume to many things or make it annoying to an experience user). While this adds some overhead, I have never gotten a complaint so far. Well not a reliable one atleast (e.g. yur program sucks, ur gay, lololo I hax u game).

Only things you should assume are things most users would not want to do themselves (like size the images in this program, I made it do that automatically (but I did have a manual handle type idea planned))

I see your part of the brotherhood of pie aswell, ;).

Oh this and that.

 Post subject:Re: Meh bored, therefore..
PostPosted:Mon Nov 10, 2008 2:53 pm 
Literally Nine
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Joined:Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:00 am
You just need to have your program read out in order. If there's a maxhardware of 0, it's not going to seek out the coordinates for it.

Also worth mentioning: the following items are required in Uplink:

Modem (one only)
Power Supply (one only)

...and in Onlink:

Modem (multiple as of 0.3.x, just code this part in and comment it out so you're ahead)
Power Supply (one only)

The rest is optional.
Also, Might want a calculator build in. Onlink now takes a minimum gateway price based on the types and quantities of components you add.

I'll PM you this formula. Try to keep it to yourself.

 Post subject:Re: Meh bored, therefore..
PostPosted:Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:35 pm 
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Joined:Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:51 am
Okay, next time I work on it i'll put all this in. Some of those drawing tools and Sata support. Also fyi, it draws the components on the fly, it doesn't have any saved images anywhere. This is the main reason it takes me a little while to add the components.

I need to add a limiter to the bandwidth and make it a number spinner (simular to the snap stuff). I also need to impliment nudge, the ability to nudge the components around pixel by pixel with the keyboard keys.

Next release I will probably have some kind of bsaic color control and box drawing. Maybe oval aswell if your really luckly. They will have support simular to the components in that you can move them, but after they are placed resizing I don't happen.

As a end note, I don't plan to add zoom, if you want that kind of control there are things like paint and photoshop. I am only adding painting tools to make it so you can make a gateway from start to finish in this program.

Oh this and that.

 Post subject:Re: Meh bored, therefore..
PostPosted:Sat Dec 13, 2008 2:01 am 
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Joined:Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:51 am
Sorry I haven't done this, I got side tracked writing code for the DS and relearning C/C++. I did say getting it done wasn't a goal right?

Oh this and that.

 Post subject:Re: Meh bored, therefore..
PostPosted:Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:58 am 
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Joined:Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:51 am
Wow I 'am' lazy. Maybe i'll just do what Miah wanted me to in the first place.

Oh this and that.

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