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     Post subject:Deleat all logs tool
    PostPosted:Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:06 pm 

    Joined:Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:54 pm
    Mostly a simple idea

    Price: 10000 creds

    Description: Deleats all logs, what else where you thinking?

    10000 creds becuase it is realy useful.

     Post subject:Re: Deleat all logs tool
    PostPosted:Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:15 am 

    Joined:Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:06 pm
    Pretty much a waste of money IMHO, since if you bounce through InterNIC, there's only a single log file that must be deleted. Not to mention, deleting the connection established -log can be somewhat dangerous :p

    I think there was a mod with a similar program, IIRC it was called a log nuke or something like that

     Post subject:Re: Deleat all logs tool
    PostPosted:Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:28 am 

    Joined:Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:49 pm
    I think there was a mod with a similar program, IIRC it was called a log nuke or something like that
    Yeah there was, never used it though ... somehow my trace a hacker missions always routed through one of the servers I had recently hacked myself hence if I used it there was no chance of ever finding the computer of the hacky dude.

    Deleting the InterNICs is okay in moste cases, though I never got why those passive traces traced my back to my gateway (if I left them for some hours, which I usually didn't) regardless of how many connections I had used, but the "frame someone for whatever" stop at some point ... suxx to hack with those tiny bounces.

     Post subject:Re: Deleat all logs tool
    PostPosted:Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:08 am 
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    Joined:Mon Oct 13, 2008 8:40 am
    Passive traces work because they search the ips through your connection (starting from their server and ending at your gateway), so unless you "break" the connection chain somewhere (usually internic, as it never traces you), they WILL eventually find you, no matter how long your connection is.

    Nothing is true; Everything is permitted.

     Post subject:Re: Deleat all logs tool
    PostPosted:Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:34 am 
    Literally Nine
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    Joined:Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:00 am
    I stated once before that tools for the lazy will not be made. That includes LAN revealers and log nukers.

    I stand by this.

     Post subject:Re: Deleat all logs tool
    PostPosted:Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:48 am 

    Joined:Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:49 pm
    Passive traces work because they search the ips through your connection (starting from their server and ending at your gateway), so unless you "break" the connection chain somewhere (usually internic, as it never traces you), they WILL eventually find you, no matter how long your connection is.
    I know, but even if I don't delete any logs, but just modify the last log in the chain so the bounced from IP matches the target person computers IP instead of mine, the passive trace still fails and the target doesn't go to yail for the hacking if I have used a few hundred bounces ... it works if I don't use quarter as many though which doesn't make no sense to me if they would have gotten me if I didn't modify the log and just let it be.

     Post subject:Re: Deleat all logs tool
    PostPosted:Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:22 pm 

    Joined:Mon May 29, 2006 6:11 pm
    Passive traces work because they search the ips through your connection (starting from their server and ending at your gateway), so unless you "break" the connection chain somewhere (usually internic, as it never traces you), they WILL eventually find you, no matter how long your connection is.
    I know, but even if I don't delete any logs, but just modify the last log in the chain so the bounced from IP matches the target person computers IP instead of mine, the passive trace still fails and the target doesn't go to yail for the hacking if I have used a few hundred bounces ... it works if I don't use quarter as many though which doesn't make no sense to me if they would have gotten me if I didn't modify the log and just let it be.
    To do this mission you just gotta be quick. Use 10 at most bounce paths, break into the machine you're supposed to target, as soon as there's a trace, disconnect and go change your logs.

     Post subject:Re: Deleat all logs tool
    PostPosted:Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:21 pm 

    Joined:Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:49 pm
    To do this mission you just gotta be quick. Use 10 at most bounce paths, break into the machine you're supposed to target, as soon as there's a trace, disconnect and go change your logs.
    I know finished some of those already. I didn't got a problem with how to solve them I got a problem with the sense in those. It's quite suspicious if a hacker who naturally tries to avoid detection uses just a few bounces ... not to mention all of a sudden forgets to clean the logs. To me the mission would only make sense the other way around: Use as many bounces as possible, reroute a log in the chain AND disconnect the chain at some later point. And when the passive trace goes it doesn't just stop at the 15th or so bounce and goofs off but continues until it finally reaches the modified log. Then with a certain probability the tracer should undelete the log and in doing so find out it was falsyfied, however due to the cut chain back to the gateway he has no chance of finding the true hacker anyways. Alternatively the tracer falls for the trick and goes after the spoof bounce and the target was successfuly framed. This would shift the "timing-is-everything" twist of the mission more to a skill-related one. Eg. the player must modify the log and afterwards delete it with some lowlevel Log Deleter to make it harder for the tracer to tell if it's genuine or similar. I'm not sure if undeleting a "Log Deleted" Entry brings forth the modified one which must be undeleted again to be set back to normal, or just the original though.

     Post subject:Re: Deleat all logs tool
    PostPosted:Sun Apr 26, 2009 11:46 am 

    Joined:Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:06 pm
    I tried it, undeleting a deleted and a modified log brings back the modified log, not the original one. Basically, I like your idea. It might complicate things a bit, but at least there wouldn't be need for gazillion credits to buy a bunch of tools (coughcougPCscoughcough)

    On the other hand, maybe the company doesn't even really want to find out the real hacker, as long as someone gets to pay for the damage.

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