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 Post subject:Onlink 0.2.5 Beta - Last Update 2019-03-21
PostPosted:Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:48 am 
Literally Nine
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Joined:Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:00 am
Right. This might be hairy.

For a while, we've been fighting with savegame issues. And hopefully, we've more or less seen the last of those.

This is a soft beta (and Windows only), so I'm not using the notifications list at this time to get the word out. Hopefully, some of you can try it out, log some bugs, and then we can do a notified release.

There's still work to do, but it should be playable, as long as you exit the profile after you at least get to the point where it asks you if you want to run the tutorial.

Goodbye, 5+ minute long saves. You won't be missed.

Mc2m will now be working with mission tiering and payouts (they're grindtastic right now, hoping to fix that) and I'll be working on a little software updating interface so you don't have to rebuy everything all the time. At that point, 0.2.5 should be more or less official, and we can get back to content and Fun™.

So, here are the links. Let us know how it goes:



 Post subject:Re: Onlink 0.2.5 Beta
PostPosted:Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:49 pm 

Joined:Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:22 pm
Hello. I tried the new game but it's saying that the Onlink-x86.exe is not a valid Win32 application.
i run Win XP SP3. I tried to change the compatibility but it shows the same error.
Ty for your hard work. I love this game

 Post subject:Re: Onlink 0.2.5 Beta
PostPosted:Wed Jan 16, 2013 4:03 pm 
Literally Nine
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Joined:Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:00 am
Sadly, the thought of XP didn't even occur to me.

Silly, I know.

Will look into getting you sorted though. I have an XP VM floating around here still...

 Post subject:Re: Onlink 0.2.5 Beta
PostPosted:Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:24 pm 
Literally Nine
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Joined:Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:00 am
And a fix is up. Sorry about that.

 Post subject:Re: Onlink 0.2.5 Beta
PostPosted:Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:22 pm 

Joined:Mon Jan 07, 2013 2:54 pm
Thanks for the release! Hopefully we can crush all those nasty bugs quickly.
Edit: The game crashes when you log out after finishing/skipping the tutorial.
Edit again: Another crash when either deleting a log, or getting fully traced. Is there a log saved somewhere or something? Definitely while deleting logs. Tested on both 32 and 64-bit versions, different systems(mission targets, InterNIC), and different log types. Always crashes.

 Post subject:Re: Onlink 0.2.5 Beta
PostPosted:Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:19 pm 

Joined:Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:47 pm
The game crashes when you log out after finishing/skipping the tutorial.
Yeah, we know of that one. Haven't figured it out yet but we are working on it.
Another crash when either deleting a log, or getting fully traced. Is there a log saved somewhere or something? Definitely while deleting logs. Tested on both 32 and 64-bit versions, different systems(mission targets, InterNIC), and different log types. Always crashes.
My mistake, I forgot that log deleter v1,2 and 3 existed. Fixing it soon. In the mean time, use v4.

 Post subject:Re: Onlink 0.2.5 Beta
PostPosted:Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:20 am 

Joined:Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:20 am
The tutorial didn't recognize me clicking on InterNIC, so I couldn't continue it.

Also, it crashed when I logged out, logged back in, opened the Trace Tracker v4 from the keyboard and then clicked on the memory bank. Hm.

 Post subject:Re: Onlink 0.2.5 Beta
PostPosted:Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:13 pm 

Joined:Mon Jan 07, 2013 2:54 pm
Can we do feature suggestions? If so, I think it'd be a nice touch to have the last mission email you had open to pop up when you open your inbox.

 Post subject:Re: Onlink 0.2.5 Beta
PostPosted:Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:03 am 
Literally Nine
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Joined:Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:00 am
I'm fine with feature discussions as long as it's tweaking and not new content.

So "it'd be a nice touch to have the last mission email you had open to pop up when you open your inbox" is perfectly good but try to avoid anything like "I'd like a log nuker".

 Post subject:Re: Onlink 0.2.5 Beta
PostPosted:Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:47 am 
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Joined:Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:21 am
I'm late for the party it seems, gonna try this baby out asap :mrgreen:

I'll see you on the dark side of the (ferrous) moon.

 Post subject:Re: Onlink 0.2.5 Beta
PostPosted:Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:12 am 

Joined:Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:55 am
Hi guys :D

I'm new to this game and uplink. I picked up, uplink just over a year ago (very late to the party...I know) but didn't have any time to invest into playing it much due to the arrival of our son. Well he's 1 now, which gives me alittle more spare time to divulge myself... Anyways enough about me back on-topic...

Excited to see a new release of Onlink (I've been lurking now for about two weeks) to download, and in Beta stage aswell...Nice! I downloaded it pronto but... I've hit a small bug (yet still game-breaking)... When I enter the world map, it's a white-out... No viewable map at all, just a white space... And with the bounce links being white... Well you can see my problem, I guess...

My OS is Win 7 x64

I've also tried the 32bit version of Onlink with the same results. Changing the resolution has no effect aswell as running in safe mode or windowed... Please help

I'm not currently online per-se... I use my iPhone to post/read forums and download files, so please excuse any grammer, spelling mistakes... Thankyou

P.S keep up the excellent work... There may not be many active forum users but I'm sure there are many-a-lurker eagerly watching this forum.

 Post subject:Re: Onlink 0.2.5 Beta
PostPosted:Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:34 pm 

Joined:Mon Jan 07, 2013 2:54 pm
Played a bit more. Some things to note:

-Sometimes after accepting a mission(just one), the game crashes when opening the inbox.
-You can't use the scroll wheel on the Stock Market list.
-I noticed this in older versions too, but disablers are not affected by the CPU usage. I'm not sure if this is intended or not.
-Sometimes when a file sabotage/theft mission is assigned, the target file doesn't exist. While this is fine for file deletion(free cash), it does cause a problem for file theft.

 Post subject:Re: Onlink 0.2.5 Beta
PostPosted:Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:53 pm 
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Joined:Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:21 am
... When I enter the world map, it's a white-out... No viewable map at all, just a white space... And with the bounce links being white... Well you can see my problem, I guess...
In the options menu, there's an option in the "graphics" section that allows you to change the map, that should solve your problem
-Sometimes when a file sabotage/theft mission is assigned, the target file doesn't exist. While this is fine for file deletion(free cash), it does cause a problem for file theft.
I just confirmed this, I was connecting to Excel Software for the first time, so I couldn't have deleted it by accident.
Also, this was the only company that was target for 2 different missions, so that might be linked with the bug. Screenshot here

Also, the max loan seems to be zero deci-loans (I can't even pay the starting loan). Screenshot here

Update: The music is stuck in a loop of the first song, none of the others are playing (tried different variations of the playlist)
Easily fixable by extracting the songs and playing them separately from the game, but just throwing it out here

I'll see you on the dark side of the (ferrous) moon.

 Post subject:Re: Onlink 0.2.5 Beta
PostPosted:Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:17 pm 

Joined:Mon Jan 07, 2013 2:54 pm
Also, the max loan seems to be zero deci-loans (I can't even pay the starting loan).
I saw this as well. I can also confirm that the bugged file missions involve companies that have been targeted multiple times(which seems to happen a lot.)

 Post subject:Re: Onlink 0.2.5 Beta
PostPosted:Tue Jan 22, 2013 1:28 pm 

Joined:Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:47 pm
I moved all the bugs you reported and not yet examined/fixed to that bugzilla thing. It would be amazing if you could use it to post the bugs you find. If you prefer not to, the forum is fine but it's just... less efficient.

Thanks everyone for your contribution.

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