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 Post subject:Onlink Progress (blog?) (Last updated 18 Feb - PM)
PostPosted:Wed Sep 10, 2008 1:40 pm 
Literally Nine
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Joined:Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:00 am
Items remaining on the internal todo list for 0.2.0: 7
Items remaining on the internal todo list for 0.2.x: 60
Progress on LanLade II: 0% (stalled for 0.2.0 completion)
Progress on 0.3.x Core: 3% (stalled for 0.2.0 completion)

Okay, so, you guys are probably wondering where 0.1.3 is.

Well, it's not coming. That's the short of it. The long of it is as follows:

0.2.0 is in development due to the introduction of a storyline. It's not *the* storyline, I require a lot more system to get that going, but it's a line, and not just some special missions (though to get to the point that the storyline starts, that will take some doing I suspect).

There's a lot I'm working on here. Much of it is unfinished. Some of it I cannot even recall if it was in 0.1.2 already. So here goes.

Remember this? Worthless little thing, wasn't it? Well, less the case now. It won't reset your clients automatically anymore, meaning you can use it again and again. This is useful for taking down those pesky gateway systems for a short time when you're planning to steal something.

I kept saying I would make it easier and clear to read and delete your mail, and here's my first shot at it. Missions will still show where they did before, but emails are now in a "folder."

Like the IRC Interface, the inbox will glow yellow when there's something new, as shown. Opening the mailbox resets the glow, closing or deleting an email while viewing it returns you to the inbox, and emails are sorted newest first.

It's not a lot but there were a TON of requests for it.

Yay for greater control of your stuff. The tradeoff? I added another limit. You now need to manage your RAM, which I think only makes sense. You shouldn't be able to run every HUD on a basic setup.

Every program takes a certain amount of RAM to run, usually half its disk space. HUD upgrades cost one Gq each just to HAVE and more if you want them active, too. This added cost is anywhere from 2 Gq (e.g. IRC Client) to 9 Gq (e.g. the C++ compiler I will discuss later) System enhancements are a bit nicer. They take space when being used, but you can also deactivate them temporarily with zero RAM loss. Presently, nothing will be taking RAM in the area of Security or Counter Measures. These are placeholders.

As for the gateway management, this is where those Aux Gateways come into play. You can set up a machine to be a file server (say you want to store all those voice prints) or a powerhouse (run that 16-processor computer for your decypher, for example)

There are, of course, limitations. You cannot run a program from an aux gateway (but you can run a program *on* it, e.g. defrag) and you cannot pipe your connection from one either. I may change that later, I'm not sure. Point is, if you're caught, it's still curtains for you.


Small change here. If you get messages, it'll alert you. Yellow for channel message, red for your name mentions, white for a privmsg. That's about it.

The C++ Client returns, but prettier than before, and more user friendly. I will be adding in a console to it, but you can now use built-in tools to just click whatever it is you want to build. Not a lot to say here yet. I'm working on it.

file generation and placement

I threatened this one, and now I'm doing it. I'm not revealing a thing about it; it's a security system, and you need to figure it out.

User input logic
Relocker (may or may not do)
Make the input section less.... hideous

 Post subject:Re: Onlink Progress (blog?) (Last updated 10 Sept)
PostPosted:Wed Sep 10, 2008 6:54 pm 
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Joined:Sat Jun 03, 2006 3:51 am
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OMG. This looks awesome. I especially can't wait for the Admin Interface: finally, I can put that voice print storage server to use!

And that new security system looks scary. Can't wait to try and [go insane trying to] crack it.

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 Post subject:Re: Onlink Progress (blog?) (Last updated 10 Sept)
PostPosted:Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:01 am 

Joined:Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:06 pm
Oh my God... I'm speechless. I can't find a word to describe how awesome this is. I wait for an announcement that Onlink is about to be scrapped, and then you turn up and post a HUGE list of new, coming features.

Denial: Yay, no more pesky VSEC's (maybe)

I personally wouldn't call the fact you need to manage your RAM a tradeoff, personally I have actually always wanted something like that. It's just plain stupid when you have a gazillion programs running and your Gateway shows no signs of slowing down.

Also, do those security systems mean what I think they do? That finally the player can actually become a target? If that's true, I can't wait for this. And yummy, multiple Gateways. I can wait even less ;3

As for the C++ compiler, I'm just glad. I thought I'd need to learn C++ to use it.

And the savant cypher... Looks dangerous. And awesome. I hope it won't be too easy, but looking at VSEC I don't think that will be the case :P

Unbelievable, I didn't spot a single thing in the list I (probably) won't like. This is just too damn amazing. Especially the new storyline.

 Post subject:Re: Onlink Progress (blog?) (Last updated 10 Sept)
PostPosted:Thu Sep 11, 2008 1:02 pm 
Literally Nine
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Joined:Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:00 am
Also, do those security systems mean what I think they do? That finally the player can actually become a target.
That is a goal for a later release, yes. I haven't really started on that yet because there's so much yet to fine tune. It'll probably be a 0.2.x release however.

 Post subject:Re: Onlink Progress (blog?) (Last updated 10 Sept)
PostPosted:Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:12 pm 
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Location:Detroit, MI
All I have to say is:

A dev blog, yay!

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 Post subject:Re: Onlink Progress (blog?) (Last updated 10 Sept)
PostPosted:Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:55 am 

Joined:Thu Apr 28, 2005 3:57 pm
Wow... I honestly never thought I'd see any progress from you guys but here it is. I still check this site every week or so just to make sure I don't miss anything and it's finally paying off! I can't wait to see what you guys are doing it's going to be amazing.

The light shall be your demise.

 Post subject:Re: Onlink Progress (blog?) (Last updated 10 Sept)
PostPosted:Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:58 pm 
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Joined:Sat Dec 15, 2007 8:49 pm
yep, "WOW". You Guys are Doing a GREAT Job. Can't wait for 0.2.x ;d.

coder, hacker

 Post subject:Re: Onlink Progress (blog?) (Last updated 10 Sept)
PostPosted:Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:28 am 
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Joined:Fri May 25, 2007 7:49 pm
Great, way to go guys. I hope the (not-so)oldtimers come back to the boards with this.

As always, if there's anything i can do to help, just yell at me. Some new music perhaps?

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 Post subject:Re: Onlink Progress (blog?) (Last updated 10 Sept)
PostPosted:Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:59 pm 
Literally Nine
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Joined:Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:00 am
Not your music.

...err... I should rephrase that.

Thing is that the current sound engine uses midi-esque tracks rather than analogue-esque (e.g. ogg, mp3, etc). That would mean something more (and big-ish) to do before the release.

I'll get to it. Just, not now.

However, if you could find a few women with mics (and willing to give a voice sample), that would be great. I already have one. But like I said, it's one. I need ideally four.

Oh, and headshots. Feel free to dive into any public morgues for decent headshots. I just don't have time. I work for a living now, you know, so anything you can do for me means less time between now and release.

 Post subject:Re: Onlink Progress (blog?) (Last updated 10 Sept)
PostPosted:Wed Sep 17, 2008 2:54 am 

Joined:Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:06 pm
public morgues for decent headshots. I just don't have time. I work for a living now, you know, so anything you can do for me means less time between now and release.
Do you mean something like this (greyscale and resized, ofc)?

Just asking, since I took a quick glance at every picture at a directory called "faces" (or something like that) and that's the only one I could find which looked at least almost appropriate for a passport :-/

 Post subject:Re: Onlink Progress (blog?) (Last updated 10 Sept)
PostPosted:Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:29 am 
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Joined:Fri May 25, 2007 7:49 pm
I can do MIDI, if that's your problem.

But actually, that got me thinking... obviously, uplink's music is not midi per se. what would that be?

and, say we get the chicks, what should they record?

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 Post subject:Re: Onlink Progress (blog?) (Last updated 10 Sept)
PostPosted:Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:36 am 
Literally Nine
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Joined:Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:00 am
You know how people in Up/Onlink answer the phone and no one responds to them?


Also, Uplink's music system is difficult to explain. I have a translator somewhere around here, but the intermediate files range a bit. The known useable extentions are .s3m, .mod, .uni, and .xm

It's a tossup though. Some behave poorly. Most of the "new" songs (admittedly from the Uplink Bonus Disk originally) needed to be translated and they have their quirks as you probably know.

Clouds is fine though. And I like clouds. I like it so much that it's forced tot he front of the list if it's checked. Keke.

Oh, and, since I'm so damned lazy, could someone post a screenshot of the music/sound interface? It's not rendering properly on my Mac and I want to see (without needing to install windows yet) if it's affecting Windows users.

As to the question about the picture, yes, like that. The issue with that particular one however is that the person is really quite young. I'm not ready to make a juvenile record database yet, if you catch my drift.

Just give links. I can batch process them, don't worry about greying them out and such.

Also note that there are more than that one site for morgues. I would like to say I could just scan a bunch from mine, but it consists mostly of wildlife and children. And basically anything that is not a headshot. Go figure.

 Post subject:Re: Onlink Progress (blog?) (Last updated 17 Sept)
PostPosted:Wed Sep 17, 2008 10:25 pm 
Literally Nine
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Joined:Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:00 am
Just a quick update: The admin interface's interaction with auxiliary gateways is now finished and pushed to our repository.

 Post subject:Re: Onlink Progress (blog?) (Last updated 10 Sept)
PostPosted:Thu Sep 18, 2008 1:19 am 
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Joined:Fri May 25, 2007 7:49 pm
You know how people in Up/Onlink answer the phone and no one responds to them?


So, you just need people saying hello a few times? or adding something extra?

i always remember someone's mother when noonne answers the phone...

Ban evasion is punishable by BAN. Tycho dixit.

 Post subject:Re: Onlink Progress (blog?) (Last updated 17 Sept)
PostPosted:Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:34 am 
Literally Nine
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Joined:Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:00 am
Anything along the lines of how people would normally answer a phone anyway is fair game. Could be more if you want. You might remember some saying "what do you want?" or "who's there?"

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