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     Post subject:NEED HELP!!!
    PostPosted:Wed Mar 28, 2018 10:45 pm 

    Joined:Wed Mar 28, 2018 10:31 pm
    Hello Everyone,

    I found Onlink about a year ago (late to the party I know). I have the most current version on the forums. I seem to have a problem in that no matter what I do I get caught. I know uplink and beat it numerous times. I have been looking through all of the known guides to make sure I am doing stuff right and I am. I will try to make it short. I got to the point where I could take money from a balance transfer mission. My method was to use a monitor bypass and disables for proxy and b.monitor. After making the transfer (transfer straight to uplink) I delete logs on both accounts and clean up internic logs. I am never traced during this process. After buying some stuff it says my router was taken. Then the black screen of death follows. I know banks in Onlink audit except Uplink, so I do not understand what I am doing wrong. I do back up my save files. Is that causing this issue? I started an entire new game, got to the part where I gave Revelation to arunmor and did NOT do any bank hacking, I only did DNS, copy/delete, Academic and social security missions. Even doing this I get the black screen of death.....I know I am not messing those easy missions up. I know I am not. Please help, and tell me this is not completely dead....I am addicted to this game. This honestly seems like a bug as it always happens on the same in game date.

    Update: I have started a completely new game over once again....I did not do a SINGLE FUCKING MISSION and fast forward time and I get busted for unauthorized access....explain that shit when I have not even logged onto Uplink services......

    I am being framed for doing the ARC/Arunmor story the FUCK can I get on a lan to protect myself from that when all of this is happening at the beginning of the game and I have NO MONEY to buy stuff with. It says I was caught breaking into a LAN...I did no such thing. How do I turn that shit off, this is ridiculous.

     Post subject:Re: NEED HELP!!!
    PostPosted:Fri Mar 30, 2018 3:37 pm 
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    Joined:Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:21 am
    Remember how you can do missions where you change the criminal records of a given target? Why wouldn't other hackers get such missions with you as the target?

    If the hint wasn't enough, here's a full-on spoiler:
    Never fast forward for too long without pausing from time to time in order to check your Criminal under the Agent tab. Sometimes something might pop up there, then it's up to you to clean it up before the feds come knocking

    I'll see you on the dark side of the (ferrous) moon.

     Post subject:Re: NEED HELP!!!
    PostPosted:Wed Apr 04, 2018 8:46 pm 

    Joined:Wed Mar 28, 2018 10:31 pm
    Thanks for the reply!!! Glad to see its not completely dead here. Yes that is what I figured, the problem now is that even when I catch it early enough (Uplink drops my rating as soon as it is changed) I go in and clear it but it still ends up with my router being seized. And if I do not have the router it is game over. Those things are expensive. Is there any way to prevent that? Not to mention how do they know I am the agent they are after when I clear all of my logs out?

    Another problem I am having is I just finished the last story mission and for some reason it wont say I finished the mission, I cleaned revelation out of everything. The only thing I can think that I did different from Uplink was using a DDoS on ARC's central mainframe to prevent any new infections while cleaning the first ones.

     Post subject:Re: NEED HELP!!!
    PostPosted:Thu Apr 05, 2018 2:08 pm 
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    Joined:Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:21 am
    Hmmm. Usually, if you catch it early enough, there shouldn't be any consequences. Maybe you're doing something wrong somewhere?

    Interesting thing about the storyline mission not completing, though. I'll check it out when I have the time

    Edit: did a quick run and gun on the latest test version, and the mission seems to complete fine. We should have a new release soon, see if that version works better for you

    I'll see you on the dark side of the (ferrous) moon.

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