I have been playing onlink for some days and everything new I have to try and error until something works. Where should I find any information? Your wiki is a big PHP table error for me, maybe because I am on mobile?
No, not because of you being on mobile, its just down at the moment and apparently being fixed or something.
-What's the difference on Disables and Killers?
I assumed killers were way slower. Turns out they aren't
No, they are a bit slower, but unlike disablers, they can disable any security level (1-8).
-Why Uplift Systems works even after we delete their .sys backup?
There is no clue on the entire Onlink talking about Uplifters and what they do, or why they exist
I figured out what they are doing, but when I got there, there was no console to crash'em, but ok I will delete the .sys from their filesystem
Doesn't work, it still recovers the target computer. I had to Encrypt their backup, it doesn't make sense to have this as the only way to unable a uplift.
Lifting Servers work when you delete the os.sys, kernel.sys and boot.sys stuff from the console on a company's system. They are contacted and basically the attacked server just copies the sys files from the lifting server. Sometimes more than 1 lifting server per system. And yes that is the only way (i think) other than using a DDoS attack or rewriting your save file.
-Why Denial exists?
I understand what they do, but I don't have a clue why would I need this, and nor the Uplink servers have the information.
Denial exists so you can restrict access onto a server. Useful for disabling lifting servers if i remember correctly. Nothing else really.
-Why this Internal Server blocks all my programs?
Looks like the Admin is the asnwer, but there is nothing on his pc, there no way to make his pc access the Internal Server, maybe I can get into other servers from thr company using Name Server, there is no clue on what the heck this system protection is. It is just a 15k mission, why no one know about this security measure?
Im guessing you mean Access Control Servers from where you said they block your programs. This server only allows any programs on its own fileserver to be used on any server apart from itself. You just need to copy the programs you want to use onto its fileserver, go into the console, pass the VSEC and type "cd usr" then "verify". Delete logs and all of course.
-Network Name Servers.
Do you people know the only difference of a Public Server and a Network Name Server is the Public in the name? And if you connect to the server via InterNIC, it shows exactly like a public server?
How should we know it is something different?
It is a Name Server, with Network Name which shows peoples pc, and there is nothing pointing it inside Onlink.
You need this server to get people's IP, which is useful for the Musana branch, without it you wouldn't be able to get their computer IPs for the missions. No it doesnt look like a public server because 1. you cant connect to these via InterNIC since theyre not listed on that nameserver 2. you have to login and that isn't at all like InterNIC.
I am worried to meddle with LANs and what new things I will Not Know until something goes wrong, and wrong, and wrong and should work know, but no, wrong.
LANs are easy, just buy the LAN equipment from the Uplink server and LAN_Spike from Uplink Laboratories Research Server. With LAN_Spike the admin basically cant disconnect you from the server unless you left the Main Server (dont remember what its called) for some reason. The hardest part of them is the confusing lock system in some cases, but most of the time easy LANS with modems or Local Dial Up numbers which are easy to get a hang of. Same with isolation bridges.