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     Post subject:Help with "Bank account of an individual" mission
    PostPosted:Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:49 pm 

    Joined:Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:27 pm
    (First of all, even though I've been watching these forums for years and never posted before, I would like to thank you a ton for making Onlink. When I first found it in like 2013 I was blown away. Even after several years, although there are some contenders (like Hacknet and hackmud), no other game comes close to this one for me when it comes to the amount of complexity, freedom and the cyberpunk atmosphere it gives. I know you guys watch the forums every now and then and that you have a new project (Kite) on your hands that's not progressing as fast as you'd perhaps want it to. But please don't give up! Don't drop it! Onlink was a masterpiece for me, to no other game do I come back so often as this one. So, I'm sure you will cook up something awesome in the future. I know it. Take your time. :classy: )

    Now to my question. I've played the game tons of times, I've figured out how to counter various security systems and the new things that Onlink added in alongside Uplink's content. Yet I've never figured out where to even begin with "Bank account of an individual missions" with just a name. I've scoured DNS on InterNIC, tried name servers of various companies, even broke into uplink's internal machine and (although I found something peculiar there), nothing that would help me track a name and the IP of their PC. I know that there's something I'm missing. Maybe a specialized site to use or maybe a way. I tried searching for the given person in the Public access servers on various companies as well, hoping to find them there and later on in their Name servers. I refuse to believe that I have to find it by chance by following logs or something. What do I do?

     Post subject:Re: Help with "Bank account of an individual" mission
    PostPosted:Sat Apr 08, 2017 11:18 pm 
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    Joined:Mon Oct 13, 2008 8:40 am
    Try looking on InterNIC for companies with Network Access Servers; there should be three of them. Find them, get their Name Servers, and start your search there.

    Nothing is true; Everything is permitted.

     Post subject:Re: Help with "Bank account of an individual" mission
    PostPosted:Sun Apr 09, 2017 6:37 am 

    Joined:Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:27 pm
    Try looking on InterNIC for companies with Network Access Servers; there should be three of them. Find them, get their Name Servers, and start your search there.
    This was it! Thank you!

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