Ferrous Moon

List of Hacking-games
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Author:  CABAL [Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: List of Hacking-games

Just so you all know, digital dystopia no longer exists. their site is gone and no reference to them can be found via search engines.

Author:  sentinel [Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: List of Hacking-games

Just so you all know, Digital Dystopia no longer exists. their site is gone and no reference to them can be found via search engines.
The company is probably gone. I found some info on them here.

Both their games (Blue Sky and Digital Hazard) are available for download on that page. I can't test the links now, though, since I'm on my mobile.

Author:  temp44 [Tue Apr 01, 2014 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: List of Hacking-games

a rather new one is Hax.
Its homepage can be found here.

Fixed the link for you, since you have already proven you're not a spambot
- Sentinel

Author:  ghost_sypher [Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: List of Hacking-games

Uh, nice one. Hax, hmm?

I will try that out. And I am glad to see that onlink is still not completely dead 8)
Nite to see Miah, Tycho, Sentinel, Mc2m and Switch are still around; even good ol' Hawk_v3. And hello to the new additions: oldgold, temp44 and others. Hi!

So Onlink -> kite -> Cerberus now?

Author:  sentinel [Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: List of Hacking-games

Onlink is sort of dying, actually. Mc2m still takes some care of it, but the main focus right now is Kite.

Author:  hans henrik [Fri Mar 06, 2015 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: List of Hacking-games

does anyone here play Slavehack? i for whatever reason, logged in. turns out i last logged in about 1800 hours (circa 2 years) ago, and had 2 slaves surviving, i collected from 1 of them, earning 63 million :lol:

Also, their anti-bot captcha looks beatable, hmm...

Author:  ghost_sypher [Thu Nov 22, 2018 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: List of Hacking-games

So any news on kite or even onlink?

Edited the gameslist with a few games I found recently on GoG and Steam.

- else Heart.Break()
- Hacknet & Hacknet - Labyrinths
- Quadrilateral Cowboy
- hackmud
- Hack 'n' Slash
- TIS-100
- Shenzhen I/O
- Mainlining
- Cyber Warrior (t.b.d.)

I just added them below the old list without any numbering in a new rubric because I couldn't bring myself to rearrange the whole thing.
I really liked "else Heart.Break()". Very interesting game concept.
"Hacknet" is also quite fun and good - very much the uplink-concept: you run a PC from a terminal.
"Quadrilateral Cowboy" is very strange - like it for that, else it's more a puzzle game.
"Hack 'n' slash" is more about training outside-the-box thinking in a playful way: editing attributes within a game to cheat your way around.
"TIS-100" and "Shenzen I/O" are puzzle-games with setting inside a computer, mainframe or integrated circuit.

Author:  sentinel [Fri Jan 04, 2019 9:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: List of Hacking-games

Since you've brought up Shenzhen I/O and TIS-100, I'll add another Zachtronics one to that: EXAPUNKS. It's not at all realistic, but programming your EXAS is pretty fun.

Author:  ghost_sypher [Sat Mar 27, 2021 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: List of Hacking-games

Uplink and its onlink mod is still the best.

And now onlink (and its child "kite") are dead, aren't they?
Anyone still here?

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