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 Post subject:Re: List of Hacking-games
PostPosted:Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:25 pm 

Joined:Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:14 pm
You really like that emote, don't you?

And the last challenge site I used was CyberArmy, back when they had Zebulun. Now, their challenges aren't so hot.
:classy: Tophat man is pro. He transcends emotes to become a genre all his own. :classy:

:classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy: ~ :classy:

 Post subject:Re: List of Hacking-games
PostPosted:Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:55 pm 
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Wow, I never knew I was creating something so wonderful.

Creative people must be stopped! (Latest Entry 7/31/11: "Fishsticks (18+))

Pleasantville by Night, a humorous horror web RPG

 Post subject:Re: List of Hacking-games
PostPosted:Mon Aug 31, 2009 1:49 pm 
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Well, on the subject of Mother ZerOS, I've started working on a translation. I'll say one thing straight up: It's a mess.

I don't know Italian, so I'm reduced to copying the strings out of the language definition files, into Google Translate, then using common sense to get a sentence that, well, makes sense. Then I need to actually play the game to get the proper context before going back and fixing it again.

What bugs me about the way he handled languages is that, well, there's much more than pure translation going on in those files. Some of the files (like mission definitions) are actually C++ function calls. Some files are pure C++ modules. Most of the language strings do this:
[201] = "Do you want to buy '"
[202] = "' at a cost of '"
[203] = "' credits?"
Instead of:
Do you want to buy '$software' at a cost of '$cost' credits?
Or something similar.

Of course, what all of this does is slow down translation. So far I've got most of the interface worked out, and two of the tutorial missions. Of course, by "worked out", I hardly mean "solved". For instance, your personal PC shouldn't be called "Integrated System", but damn me if I knew what LANG_STR_RES[186] was for when I dropped it into Translate.

 Post subject:Re: List of Hacking-games
PostPosted:Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:36 pm 
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Joined:Mon Aug 13, 2007 1:47 pm
Well, on the subject of Mother ZerOS, I've started working on a translation. I'll say one thing straight up: It's a mess.

I don't know Italian, so I'm reduced to copying the strings out of the language definition files, into Google Translate, then using common sense to get a sentence that, well, makes sense. Then I need to actually play the game to get the proper context before going back and fixing it again.
I'm pretty sure he could do that on his own. I think translation is probably best left to someone who knows both languages...

Creative people must be stopped! (Latest Entry 7/31/11: "Fishsticks (18+))

Pleasantville by Night, a humorous horror web RPG

 Post subject:Re: List of Hacking-games
PostPosted:Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:12 am 
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Joined:Thu Nov 17, 2005 4:40 pm
Hey! Don't discourage him. Just because someone else could do it faster doesn't mean he shouldn't. Besides, how do you know if the maker has any time or will to it himself? I don't even know if he knows any english.

 Post subject:Re: List of Hacking-games
PostPosted:Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:34 pm 

Joined:Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:18 pm

a multi-player uplink inspired game (still in alpha) has been in production for a few years now

 Post subject:Re: List of Hacking-games
PostPosted:Thu Oct 01, 2009 7:02 pm 
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Joined:Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:21 am

a multi-player uplink inspired game (still in alpha) has been in production for a few years now
This does look quite promissing if they keep up with their promisses! :classy:

I'll see you on the dark side of the (ferrous) moon.

 Post subject:Re: List of Hacking-games
PostPosted:Sat Nov 07, 2009 5:59 am 
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Joined:Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:08 am
I EDITED the list:
-found and added "Hack The Game"
-found and added the offline version of "Darks Signs", but it gets confusing with to whom go the credits for it and who owns it now. I think DarkSigns was produces by Vectra Media but is now in the hands of Omnisoft which is run by Xmakina; DarkSigns Online ( or DarksSigns MSP) is in the ands of Tsunami Technologies which is run by ME and Tofu (which I haven't found any note on their website) but to wich also Omnisoft is referring via the games web-site. But I did find that's under creative commons ...
-also edited "hacker2004" and "hacker2012" links. Can't find others than the various demo-download pages, not even the company displays it in the shop to pay and order.
-found and added "PortSign". Looks like a browsergame by Terminal Zero, though they call it "PortSign offline" on their page, it looks more like a pay-for-access browser-game on the games web-page.

PS: I hate our current copyright system and the control-freaking-right-holders-industry. If no-one is showing responsible in a clear and proper way, I think the public should just assume the thing to be common property.

 Post subject:Re: List of Hacking-games
PostPosted:Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:24 am 

Joined:Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:18 am
Hello guys,

just stumbled over this thread while looking for new hacking games. Cos they are so hard to find Ive assembled a list myself over a year ago and posted it in the exosyphen forum. Maybe Ghost likes to add a link:
Comprehensive list of hacking games ... ?f=3&t=125.

The newest ones Ive found is RVL Hacker, which is based on the exosyphen engine and Netrunners, which is a SMAUG MUD with a cyberspace-hacking theme.

Ghost, regarding the games by Terminal Zero - they are defunct since a few years. Their former page ( now links to exosyphen. I think its cos Robert is a buddy of a former TZ developer. Unfortunatly they havent released their games to the public, even if you cant buy them any longer. Shame! :(
PortSign was their last project and should become an online hacking game. They threw the towel before it was finished, so it became "PortSign offline".

Oh, and dont forget to give "Decker" and "AI War: The Awakening" a try. But I guess the later one will be hard to find.

Happy hacking.

PS: My list only contains games, too. No hack challenges or similiar.

 Post subject:Re: List of Hacking-games
PostPosted:Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:38 am 
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Joined:Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:08 am
Thanks for the hint and insights.

I'll look through it and maybe edit my list some time soon when I find time.
For now I don't feel any urgent need since I am heavily burdened with work and "onlink" seems to have fallen in some kind of dormant state (hopefully no curse).

May a prince arrive soon to awaken the sleeping beauty with his kiss.
Edit Comment: 04April2010
Attached Dodgers List in small to my entry-post, just to safe that piece of hard work. Hope you don't mind Dodger ;) If so, let me know.

I also checked FATE and I like it ;)
And I got StreetHacker to work again. The graphics are a bit oldfashioned but I really like that game. -> And now it crashed again. After working for two days, it now says again something with the .net framework ...

 Post subject:Re: List of Hacking-games
PostPosted:Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:26 pm 
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Joined:Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:39 am
Street Hacker is the most annoying game I've played.

The dump window resolution is cutting the game window which makes me not be able to use the console mode,and the game forum is damn 404 NOT FOUND!!!

I have to admit it's the most BS game of all the hacker games.

/* Everything is in the save file. */

 Post subject:Re: List of Hacking-games
PostPosted:Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:42 pm 
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Joined:Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:08 am
True. I didn't like it desperately either. Uplink/Onlink is still the best. And I'm still waiting for Cerebus to come trough. How is it going guys?

Most recently I've tried
Shit and i think not even alive anymore.

I also found Hackm3
But wasn't able to log on.

Btw. did anyone realise that has been taken off? What happened? Where do you download onlink from now?
Ahhhh, ... Erm, not linked to on your page. Thank goodness for search engines.
But there you are stuck again with not reaching onlink-mod. Could you guys put it on the ferrous moon page?

 Post subject:Re: List of Hacking-games
PostPosted:Tue Aug 28, 2012 3:15 pm 

Joined:Thu May 15, 2008 10:23 am
wow i haven't been on this site in ages.

I hope to download onlink once again and play this epic game. I don't know why but this game's simplicity always got to me were it stuck. i just wondered in here and saw i still have an account.

as for the topic.... I truly believe that for simple hack and lulz this game with onlink mod is the top of the top!

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

 Post subject:Re: List of Hacking-games
PostPosted:Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:10 pm 

Joined:Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:55 pm
I don't know why no one mentioned this but I just registered to let you know that there is a Game thats deep as uplink/onlink with modern graphics and with a online mode and its totaly free:

Codelink v2
("Your post looks too spamy for a new user, please remove off-site URLs." a bit paranoid after the recaptcha process...)

It's 6 years in development and the developer created it right after he played and later modded uplink back in times. It's an MMO based on uplink and I really have no idea why nobody is talking about it.
CodelinkV2 is the next generation of barrier breaking online hacking simulation. Drawing from it's spiritual predecessor Uplink: Hacker Elite, CodelinkV2 submerges you in a vast universe of addictive game-play and concepts as-of-yet unseen in any other hacking simulator. Innovating on the concepts it has drawn from Uplink, Codelink gives the unique opportunity of being able to interact with other players via in-game chat, hacking into other player's systems, exchanging information privately, attack rival player's networks, upgrading your Gateway's hardware capability, purchasing many kinds of software, hidden secrets and many captivating characteristics within the game. So just to be clear, YES, you can PVP without limits. (like 34 vs 5)

 Post subject:Re: List of Hacking-games
PostPosted:Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:54 am 

Joined:Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:08 pm
I, personally, find Codelink a pretty decent game, but, it gets terribly boring when you have to do one type of mission all over and over again for like 200 times [Break in, delete one file, log out] + it doesn't have any kind of storyline, unlike onlink/uplink, I've played it for like a month, but than stopped, it was just too monotonous and boring.

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