So far here is my current additions to the 1.55 source code in the past 8 days. Any additions, modifications, etc would be great. Changing the interface to look more like a real OS would likely be a huge rewrite, not that I am not up to the challenge, but currently, it is not planned.
* Log Deleter 5.0 - Deletes the selected log entry and replaces all others with [Log Deleted] on a computer
* Log Deleter 6.0 - Deletes the selected log entry and replaces all others with legitimate looking logs on a computer
* Log Deleter 7.0 - Deletes all log entries on a computer
* File Compressor - This allows the compression of data. Compression is based on the file version
* Hardware - Nerfed, modified and added hardware upgrades
* Music - Added the ability for standard audio playback, Mp3, Ogg, Aif etc.
* Music - Added the ability to cycle through tracks (previous,next) and mute/unmute music
* Music - The track name that is currently playing is now displayed in the HUD
* Gateways - Added a more powerful gateway
* Mission List - Added a new section that displays your first 20 missions. For each mission the target, type, objective and payment are displayed. The first 20 missions are no longer displayed on the HUD. (inspired by Onlink)
* Email List - Added a new section that displays your emails in a page. For each email the sender and subject are displayed. Emails are no longer displayed on the HUD. (inspired by Onlink)
* Notepad - Added a notepad page where you can store notes, or send them to yourself in an email, notes will save upon exiting the game. (inspired by Onlink)
* Shortcuts - Added a shortcuts page where software can be assigned to the F# keyboard keys.
* Terminal - Added an in-game terminal that can be run locally, it currently only runs software, will add more features in the future.
* Uplink Agent List - No missing data when downloading the Agent List
* Music - Extended tracklist to 27 tracks with 03:17:33 worth of music
* Time - The game is set in the year 2030
* Nerfed bank transfer hacking, you will likely be caught every time
* Time - The game starts on February 1st, the story line essentially starts after march
* Uplink Admin - Uplink now has an admin, for now it is sort of a guessing game on who the voice is so the admin section of the Uplink bank can be accessed
* Map connection link sound was changed
* Map changed to completely new image with enhanced mask, better quality, better looking
* Due to an un-findable error in my coding, player cannot choose to work for ARC. Story line plans to be rewritten anyway
* Animated the entire game a bit more
* Modified software menu which only shows software sections in which you own software in that section (inspired by Onlink)
* Complete graphics overhaul
I have no prior c++ experience.