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     Post subject:I remember now why I stopped using C/C++.
    PostPosted:Fri Dec 05, 2008 6:41 pm 
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    Joined:Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:51 am
    I have to write tons of code to do rather simple things. Case in point, for a certain program I am writing... I had to convert a font file to a c/h combo and compile it in. Then I had to write a function to plot the font to screen (only a little harder then it sounds), including line breaks and font wrap....

    Now this gets redundant after awhile, and you high and mighty c/c++ coders are probably thinking, why did you do it that way, you have libraries for all of that! Well thats what you get when you develop on an embedded ARM system. While I realize I could do none of that in Java anyway (on an ARM), I still realize how good it was not having to. Don't get me started on winapi or malloc/free.

    While C/C++ is mightier then Java its such a bloody pain to write. I spend more time writing code to make code work then I do writing the actual program/content, reguardless of what system it is for.

    However most the time I find it fun doing this sorta thing. It gets old after having to do it several times.

    Oh this and that.

     Post subject:Re: I remember now why I stopped using C/C++.
    PostPosted:Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:55 pm 

    Joined:Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:48 pm
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    It really is redundant at times...even simple programs require quite a bit of code to work properly...

     Post subject:Re: I remember now why I stopped using C/C++.
    PostPosted:Sat Dec 06, 2008 7:56 pm 
    Literally Nine
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    So you use Java for your embedded ARM system? *snicker*

    - Tycho


     Post subject:Re: I remember now why I stopped using C/C++.
    PostPosted:Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:45 am 
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    Joined:Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:51 am
    So you use Java for your embedded ARM system? *snicker*
    NO. I thought I mentioned I knew I couldn't do that. (Technically I could, but it would be more work then just using C/C++, as I would have to write the Runtime Environment or make some kind of a wrapper for an existing one.)

    Oh this and that.

     Post subject:Re: I remember now why I stopped using C/C++.
    PostPosted:Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:44 am 

    Joined:Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:18 am
    "This are pointers! Pointers are very useful! If you want your code to run never ever use them...."
    I love c/c++ and Im damn happy that I dont use it any longer, hehe!

     Post subject:Re: I remember now why I stopped using C/C++.
    PostPosted:Sat Mar 13, 2010 4:18 pm 
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    Joined:Sat Jun 03, 2006 3:51 am
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    As my high school programming teacher once put it, "eighty percent of the code you write will be to fix the code you wrote." (The other twenty percent will be shit you hammered together in an exhausted, insomniac frenzy, only to look at your screen six hours of rest later and think, "what in the name of fuck was I doing last night?" Or, at least, that's how it is for me.)

    Also, if your only gripe with C/C++ is that "its such a bloody pain to write", learn to code better. Ease of use != better.

    -- Griffinhart

    PS. Incidentally,
    I spend more time writing code to make code work then I do writing the actual program/content
    implies that in C/C++, you can finish coding your program/content faster, which just means you have more time to fix your code. (At least in my case, this is true.)

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     Post subject:Re: I remember now why I stopped using C/C++.
    PostPosted:Sun Mar 14, 2010 4:54 pm 
    Connoisseur of the Godawful
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    WinAPI is pretty horrible, but malloc/free? Don't see your problem there tbh.

    Alastair Lynn / Alumnus / Onlink Team

     Post subject:Re: I remember now why I stopped using C/C++.
    PostPosted:Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:30 pm 
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    Joined:Sun Feb 12, 2006 8:56 pm
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    (The other twenty percent will be shit you hammered together in an exhausted, insomniac frenzy, only to look at your screen six hours of rest later and think, "what in the name of fuck was I doing last night?" Or, at least, that's how it is for me.)
    I know exactly what you mean.

    -- Eddie Ringle

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